It is an essential update for Xamarin developers. Microsoft says it’s acquiring 4 years old mobile app development Xamarin. There is an overview of Xamarin journey – Xamarin has 15000 customers over the 120 countries. Including 100 fortune 500 companies and having more than 1.3 million Xamarin developers. Xamarin mobile application is built on C#. There are only two technologies for developing Xamarin Cross Platform Mobile Applications.
Xamarin Studio (Xamarin Product).
Visual Studio (Microsoft Product).
Replacement Reasons
It is more beneficial for Microsoft products with the help of integration into Visual Studio, Office 365, Microsoft Azure and Enterprise Mobility Suite to provide developers with an end to end workflow for mobile apps native and cross platforms.
Microsoft is buying Xamarin; it doesn’t mean cross-platform mobile application era is over; nevertheless, the time of cross-platform has begun. We “inoday” are leading as a Xamarin Mobile Application Development Company around the world. We have years of experience in developing awesome cross-platform mobile applications.
The Xamarin advantage for Enterprise Apps: –
Xamarin is supported by MBaaS – Mobile Backend as Service providers. MBaaS systems provide mobile optimized cloud backend system and enterprise backend connectors.
Microsoft Azure mobile service connectors are available for Xamarin.
Salesforce SDK is available for free on the Xamarin components store, and many more.
Even if you are interested in Xamarin Cross Platform Mobile Application then we “inoday” are always here for you. What is the next move of (Xamarin + Microsoft)? For getting more information regarding Xamarin stays tuned.